I am a PhD student in the Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory led by Prof. Carmela Troncoso at EPFL. My research interests are privacy engineering and applied cryptography. As an example, my last project was a collaboration with the Internation Committee of the Red Cross. Together, we examined the digitalization of humanitarian aid distribution systems and proposed a scalable design that provides formally provable security, privacy, and accountability.
More recently, I am exploring the following directions:
- Censorship resistance in the Chinese context
- Library patron privacy & copyright law compliance
- Digital safety of investigative journalists
Generally speaking, I am interested in understanding the asymmetry of this world. I ask myself whether, why, and how we shall use the asymmetry of computational complexity in cryptography to balance out the asymmetry of power in the real world. Although I am having a lot of fun trying to find a mathematically provable and practical solution from the lens of a systematic design, I must be honest that many times the answer to the first question is negative, i.e., computation cannot solve everything.
Previously, I got my master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zürich. Before coming to Switzerland, I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology.
I love dancing and running, just in the same way as I love my work. From time to time, I write silly posts on random things. As you may have noticed while reading those posts, I work in English, can survive food ordering in French or German, but dream in Jí–Shěn Northeastern Mandarin 纯正辽西东北话 ;)
Sep 5, 2024 | Research visit mission failed. I was handcuffed and detained after landed at the JFK airport. |
Aug 5, 2024 |
Dec 25, 2023 | I am honoured and grateful to receive a Distinguished Service Award as the Diversity Chair in EPFL IC PhD Committee 2023. This award will be a reminder for my future self that there are many things we can push, together. |
May 22, 2023 | Our paper “Not Yet Another Digital ID: Privacy-Preserving Humanitarian Aid Distribution” has been accepted to IEEE S&P 2023 and was selected to receive a Distinguished Paper Award. |
Jul 1, 2022 | I am officially a SPRINGer. Looking forward to the new adventure. |
Apr 22, 2022 | We placed second in the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge. |